Afternoon peeps, well I went up Conwy mountain today in search of the Roman fort. Took some photos of the view from the top, y'see this is why I love Conwy, never again will I take such beautiful surroundings for granted. Socs has really opened my eyes. It's a very steep climb, I think I must have broke the pain barrier a 100 yds up. I've always thought I was quite fit, how wrong was I. I remember my Dads advice
"breathe in through the mouth and out through the nose" or was it the other way round? Well I tried both and I'll tell you now, neither makes any difference. I was still gasping for breathe, my nose running a half marathon due to the cold and didn't see any signs of a piggin' Roman Fort. My thoughts then turned to my son and how I was going to render him homeless when I got home for it was him who told me
"No really it's not that far up honest". He must be laughing his pants off now I thought.
I finally dragged my sorry ass to the summit, virtually on my hands and knees, red in the face, exhausted, and due to the blustery wind looking like the Wild man of Borneo.
As I stood at the top, panting like a dog, I admired the view and I thought so what if there's no Roman Fort the sense of achievement I had made it all worth while. Well it did until I turned round and to my horror there was a guy waving at me, who the hell was he? I'll tell you who, only Nicky Mod (Jones) I had a crush on Nicky all the way through school. He was the best looking lad in Aberconwy I kid you not Adonis galore. The one guy you don't want to see on the top of a mountain, looking like you've just been dragged through a bush backwards, that's who

To be honest we've always been really good mates, he was up there with his Dad, my Dads best mate. He's just come back from Scotland and he's staying at his Dads in Llandudno for a month or so. Its always a pleasure to see him. I told him my aim was to find the Roman Fort but had given up and was probably a bit lost

Laughing he said: "that's it there" pointing towards a pile of rubble a 100 yds away. Now don't get me wrong it's not like I was expecting statues of Nero or anything but to say I was disappointed was an understatement. We said goodbye and off I went to take some photos. I hope your more impressed than I was. Well at least my lad was forgiven I've decided he can stay put for now