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Offline Pendragon

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Re: Walking
« Reply #525 on: November 05, 2011, 11:27:42 pm »
We carried on along the road and passed the long since closed Little Chef.  My step mum used to work here years ago and she used to bring home the Little Chef lollies........ah they were great they were orange and white fizzy lollies  D) your tongue would be cut to bits after a couple but you couldn't beat them.  Y'know it makes me laugh when you think when I were a kid Little Chef was considered posh  :laugh:  On we went along the cycle path past the Iron bridge up towards the roundabout where I honestly thought the path would cross the road for some reason best known to myself...I mean as's a good job I don't work for the Highways Dept $scratch$ anyway we didn't cross, in fact we couldn't cross as by now there was a 5' wall of concrete protecting us from the really busy road.  As we passed the roundabout I began to worry a bit as thoughts like "your joking I'll be in Llanfair at this rate" and  " I didn't see a crossing point"  ?{}? I even contemplated tying Socs to my back and taking a running jump at the 5' wall swinging one leg over commando style and flinging myself over Socs and all....yeah it was a plan..... but a very flawed one as I imagined the reality of my mission would probably end up with me failing miserably  suffering from gravel burn having slid down the wall face first into the hard shoulder or more likely on coming traffic and besides I've never been in the Commandos.  My next plan of action was to walk down the embankment by the side of the railway tunnel a little further up, this would lead me onto what locals call Dog Sh*t path (pic 2) Panic over we walked along towards Pen beach.  What I didn't realise was that the cycle path goes down that way all along  :-[ and I had worried for nothing.  Pen beach used to be lovely it was all grass and sand now it's all concrete and anti vandal paint....such a shame.  The kids love the swimming pool though although it doesn't look to good in the photo.
Only hindsight has 20/20 vision
Angiegram - A romantic notion derived from the more mundane truth.

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley

Offline DaveR

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Re: Walking
« Reply #526 on: November 05, 2011, 11:45:04 pm »
Great walk and pics, as always, Angie.   $good$ My parents used to take me to that Little Chef when I was a kid - it was considered a treat!  &shake&

Offline Pendragon

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Re: Walking
« Reply #527 on: November 05, 2011, 11:47:12 pm »
We came off the beach and walked up towards the Railway station.  I lived in the flat above here for about 4 years it was excellent...the best parties were there  ;D  If you walk through the car park opposite and up through the trees you'll find yourself in a small wooded area called The Dingle.  As kid's we would all congregate down there you could always evade the police if we were a bit rowdy as there are countless ways in and out.  The Dingle was so special to some of us that believe it or not two of my friends actually got married there  $good$  We would even hide in the two tunnels in pic 3.  One tunnel would lead up to the Mountain view the other to the back of the shops in Glanrafon.  Finally we came out by the doctors surgery and off we went to visit Ali Gugs and my Mother.
Only hindsight has 20/20 vision
Angiegram - A romantic notion derived from the more mundane truth.

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley

Offline Pendragon

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Re: Walking
« Reply #528 on: November 05, 2011, 11:51:00 pm »
Thanks Dave  $good$ I never rated Little Chef to be honest...I don't know what they're like now.  I remember watching a documentary and Heston Blumenthal was trying to revamp the brand.
Only hindsight has 20/20 vision
Angiegram - A romantic notion derived from the more mundane truth.

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley

Offline Haulfre

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Re: Walking
« Reply #529 on: November 06, 2011, 05:38:56 pm »
Angie..i remember as a child always asking my dad to beep the horn going through Pen tunnel! Do people still carry on with this tradition or not?
Loving your posts, and i was in stitches imagining you jumping over the wall with socs tied to your back!!!!!!  :laugh:

Offline snowcap

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Re: Walking
« Reply #530 on: November 06, 2011, 06:54:29 pm »
i remember going through those tunels and the horns blasting out back in the early fifties, and there were some strange sounding horns in those days, good memories

Offline Pendragon

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Re: Walking
« Reply #531 on: November 07, 2011, 09:19:40 am »
Angie..i remember as a child always asking my dad to beep the horn going through Pen tunnel! Do people still carry on with this tradition or not?
Loving your posts, and i was in stitches imagining you jumping over the wall with socs tied to your back!!!!!!  :laugh:
I think locals do, but we don't pester my dad anymore  :laugh:
Only hindsight has 20/20 vision
Angiegram - A romantic notion derived from the more mundane truth.

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley

Offline Haulfre

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Re: Walking
« Reply #532 on: November 09, 2011, 05:58:07 pm »
Angie..i remember as a child always asking my dad to beep the horn going through Pen tunnel! Do people still carry on with this tradition or not?
Loving your posts, and i was in stitches imagining you jumping over the wall with socs tied to your back!!!!!!  :laugh:
I think locals do, but we don't pester my dad anymore  :laugh:
Nore do i! :laugh:
Are you going to get a sheepdog for yourself once you finish 'babysitting' socs? ;D

Offline Pendragon

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Re: Walking
« Reply #533 on: November 10, 2011, 10:23:18 am »
I would love to get a dog of my own Haulfre.  I'm hoping to get my way after xmas.  I doubt I'd get a sheep dog as I have to hoover twice a day with Socs I'm surprised she's not bald.  I have Socs twice a year for two weeks my mate Mash is quite protective over her as he knows I want to pinch her  :D I've been looking at Jackadoodles.  A small hardy dog crossed between a Jack russel and a Poodle which doesn't molt, makes me laugh these type of dogs used to be called mongrels now they've got a dodgy double barreled name and they cost nearly £300  :o
The picture below is a Jackadoodle and it looks exactly like the little dog I rescued years ago.  We called her Shaggy and she was a proper little sweetheart who would walk for miles, everybody in Pen knew her.  She died 13 years ago and I was distraught, heartbroken and it put me off ever having another one but every time I get Socs I realise how happy I am up the mountains and walking with her.  I just have to convince Gez but I'm sure I'll get round him  ;D
Only hindsight has 20/20 vision
Angiegram - A romantic notion derived from the more mundane truth.

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Walking
« Reply #534 on: November 10, 2011, 01:08:53 pm »
Life is never the same without a dog to me--in 47 years we have had 2 dog free days, which were last year, after we lost our old girl. Admittedly, latterly she wasn't able to walk far, but there again neither can we nowadays. Having another dog has made us go out and walk more-- even if it is in shorter trips! We have to try and tire the little begger out somehow !! If not this is what happens!
Mad, Bad and Dangerous to know.

Offline Haulfre

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Re: Walking
« Reply #535 on: November 10, 2011, 02:06:49 pm »
I would love to get a dog of my own Haulfre.  I'm hoping to get my way after xmas.  I doubt I'd get a sheep dog as I have to hoover twice a day with Socs I'm surprised she's not bald.  I have Socs twice a year for two weeks my mate Mash is quite protective over her as he knows I want to pinch her  :D I've been looking at Jackadoodles.  A small hardy dog crossed between a Jack russel and a Poodle which doesn't molt, makes me laugh these type of dogs used to be called mongrels now they've got a dodgy double barreled name and they cost nearly £300  :o
The picture below is a Jackadoodle and it looks exactly like the little dog I rescued years ago.  We called her Shaggy and she was a proper little sweetheart who would walk for miles, everybody in Pen knew her.  She died 13 years ago and I was distraught, heartbroken and it put me off ever having another one but every time I get Socs I realise how happy I am up the mountains and walking with her.  I just have to convince Gez but I'm sure I'll get round him  ;D
Hi Angie...thats the problem with getting  a dog.... when it dies it breaks your heart! The way i look at it though is that its worth going through the pain, because when we have them they give us such love and companionship its worth it. Awww.... Shaggy sounded like she was a little love...bless her. A Jackdoodle sounds like the perfect dog for you...but omg the price is a rip off! As you say...they where mongrels when we where kids, no fancy names and high prices then! I am sure you will get round Gez ;) Let us know if/when you get a dog after Christmas  ;D

Offline Haulfre

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Re: Walking
« Reply #536 on: November 10, 2011, 02:12:23 pm »
Life is never the same without a dog to me--in 47 years we have had 2 dog free days, which were last year, after we lost our old girl. Admittedly, latterly she wasn't able to walk far, but there again neither can we nowadays. Having another dog has made us go out and walk more-- even if it is in shorter trips! We have to try and tire the little begger out somehow !! If not this is what happens!
Hi Nemesis...and your dog looks so innocent in the first pic! :)

Offline Pendragon

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Re: Walking
« Reply #537 on: November 10, 2011, 02:50:35 pm »
Oh don't worry you'll read all about it Haulfre  ;D
Nemesis your dog is ace  $good$
Only hindsight has 20/20 vision
Angiegram - A romantic notion derived from the more mundane truth.

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Walking
« Reply #538 on: November 10, 2011, 02:56:16 pm »
Hi Both,
Yes (thanks) he is ace and so loveable, but we have never had one as naughty as this. He will steal anything to chew or shred-- toilet rolls are his speciality. House training was fine--but anything else--he does it his way.
Apparantly it is a trait of the breed, just hope he calms down as he gets older.
Good luck with the dog Pen.
Mad, Bad and Dangerous to know.

Offline Hugo

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Re: Walking
« Reply #539 on: November 10, 2011, 03:13:28 pm »
Life is never the same without a dog to me--in 47 years we have had 2 dog free days, which were last year, after we lost our old girl. Admittedly, latterly she wasn't able to walk far, but there again neither can we nowadays. Having another dog has made us go out and walk more-- even if it is in shorter trips! We have to try and tire the little begger out somehow !! If not this is what happens!

Frizzy looks like a little angel in the first photo Nemesis but that hole in the 2nd photo's pretty deep!   Hope that he doesn't run through the house after all that digging.
I know how you feel about the pleasure that you get from having a dog and can remember when you spoke to me after just having lost your other dog.  We were so pleased to hear  that you had Frizzy so soon afterwards as we went through the same thing two years ago and know exactly how it feels.