Prompted by posts which suggest some on the forum feel it's entirely acceptable for bad driving to go unreported (and where some feel that potentially lethal driving isn't that important) I thought we could do with a topic dedicated entirely to driving.
I passed my ordinary driving test some years ago, in common with many on here, and it didn't take me long to realise that the driving test simply gets you the right to drive unaccompanied; it certainly doesn't make you a good driver.
In those day the Police themselves were running week-long driving courses, so a pal I and signed up and we got to know the instructor well enough for him to offer to train us, for three hours at a time, in advanced driving techniques each Saturday. At the end of a fraught three months we took and passed the IAM test.
I've never regretted that, since being trained in that way really makes you aware as a driver of the dreadful standard of driving that occurs. But there are clearly others who think making yourself a decent driver doesn't matter. So what do you think?