Author Topic: Points to Ponder  (Read 332745 times)

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Offline mull

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1095 on: July 21, 2023, 04:52:04 pm »
So you will return some of these people to their country of origin ?

Sudan, Darfor, or other despot run countries, Get real these people will keep coming so whether you like it or not they need to be helped to settle here.

Not the first time we have done this.........1950's......Kept the NHS, Railway , London Transport running.

Cheer up and look on the bright side.

Offline SteveH

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1096 on: July 24, 2023, 09:56:25 am »
Michael Gove is announcing plans to relax planning rules in England to create more homes in towns and cities.

The levelling up secretary says he wants to make it easier to convert empty retail premises and betting shops into flats and houses.

But critics say such conversions are often poor quality.

A report by the Commons housing committee earlier this month found that while ministers are on track to deliver its one million homes target they are not expected to meet their other commitment to deliver 300,000 new homes every year by the mid-2020s.

Hitting that figure became harder after the government was forced to water down its housing targets on local councils following a fierce backlash from its own MPs.

Offline Helig

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1097 on: July 24, 2023, 11:30:43 am »
To respond to Mull's post of 21 July 2023. It is all very well taking a liberal approach when you live on an island far removed from the areas which are saturated with all manner of foreign immigrants. I suggest you stay in Kent, Sussex, Swindon, or many of the other places which have housing and services unable to meet the demands of all the immigrants, let alone the local people.

The people who have genuine cases to remain in the UK should stay here. I question how many of the immigrants have a genuine claim to remain here as in most cases, they have passed through numerous safe countries before they arrive here. When I lived in Brighton I knew people who had fled Sudan because they were at risk being Coptic Christians. I also knew someone from Syria who had come because his life was at risk. I don't dispute that these people had a case to remain in the UK.

You mention the 1950s, I lived in west London in the 1950s and recall the numbers of people who flooded in here then. This was due to another Tory, Harold MacMillan, they were encouraged over here to do the low paid work no one else wanted to do. Tory businesses wanted cheap labour and this was their solution. They also colonised whole areas of London, Southall being one of them. They didn't integrate with the UK population and set up their own ghettos where no English was spoken. I had family in Southall and they were one of a very few white families left in that area. They were forced out by being mugged, burgled, harassed and more. Before my father died he wanted to go and see some of the family graves in the cemetery. I made enquiries and was told it wasn't safe for a white person to go anywhere in that area.

For those who cry, "racist" the reality is that they are racist towards white people. They detest us with a passion. This country has deteriorated significantly since immigration was allowed on a substantial level. Most people I speak to say the same but they are scared to speak out about this subject.

Offline Hugo

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1098 on: July 24, 2023, 03:05:11 pm »
Let's put this into perspective.    We need immigrants to work here and improve our economy that's a fact and after all Boris promised us that we can take control of our borders and select who we want to come here to work in the UK     Now we were told that by our PM and he doesn't lie, or does he?
In fact we are having people come here who don't share our culture or beliefs, don't integrate with society and don't speak English.
Let alone have respect for women and the LBGT ETC community
Here's something to ponder on:-     Isis promised to send 500,000 soldiers into Europe to commit acts against the west.    As we are unable to vet these illegal migrants how many are criminal, how many are murders and rapists and how many are terrorists or sleepers?
The answer is we don't know but we do know that the security service is not resourced to cope with the existing immigrants let alone the invasion of many more

Offline Ian

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1099 on: July 24, 2023, 06:28:01 pm »
To respond to Mull's post of 21 July 2023. It is all very well taking a liberal approach when you live on an island far removed from the areas which are saturated with all manner of foreign immigrants. I suggest you stay in Kent, Sussex, Swindon, or many of the other places which have housing and services unable to meet the demands of all the immigrants, let alone the local people.

Helig: you make these claims but never post links to disinterested sources so they can be checked.  In fact, most of your assertions are simply incorrect. To give but a single example, Birmingham has a far, far higher crime rate than Southall.

The people who have genuine cases to remain in the UK should stay here. I question how many of the immigrants have a genuine claim to remain here as in most cases, they have passed through numerous safe countries before they arrive here.

How is that relevant?

They also colonised whole areas of London, Southall being one of them. They didn't integrate with the UK population and set up their own ghettos where no English was spoken.

Is it not possible they did that because English speaking society was uninviting?

Before my father died he wanted to go and see some of the family graves in the cemetery. I made enquiries and was told it wasn't safe for a white person to go anywhere in that area.

Again, simply untrue. Unless you can provide statistics and a source to prove otherwise?

Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know.  ― Michel de Montaigne

Si hoc legere scis, nimis eruditionis habes.

Offline Helig

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1100 on: July 25, 2023, 09:59:45 am »
Yes, Hugo, we are at risk from terrorists infiltrating under the guise of seeking asylum. The security services are very concerned at the influx of immigrants with the risk it brings to the safety of people in the UK.

I am going to draw a line under this post now. It is clear that people have differing opinions and we are all entitled to them.

Offline Hugo

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1101 on: July 25, 2023, 03:09:59 pm »
Helig, even the Politicians can't agree on what to do about immigration so it's only understandable that Joe Public can't agree either.
Why these immigrants are coming in to the UK after having crossed several safe countries is relevant and you can hear the Politicians repeating that question
The latest law passed by the Conservative Government saying that it is illegal to enter the UK in small boats and anyone who does enter will not be able to apply for asylum in the UK.    Now that law is futile and defies common sense and this is the scenario.   If anyone enters the UK from a war torn country, they may be illegal migrants in the UK but under international law you cannot return them to their country of origin, so what can you do with them?
Any illegal migrants from Albania should be treated differently and sent back to Albania on the first plane or ship available, but will the UK have the willingness to enforce their own laws
This immigration problem will never be solved while the Government of the day dithers on decisive action

Offline SteveH

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1102 on: July 27, 2023, 10:11:59 am »
Nice for some.......Private companies getting grants to increase their profits, OK a few more jobs, bit is it value for tax payers money.?

ZIP World has shared exciting growth plans following its allocation of ?6.2million of matched funding.

This came as part of the North Wales Growth Deal, a ?1billion investment to the region; ?240m of which has been funded by both Welsh and UK Governments.

The outdoor activity company, which has 29 attractions at seven UK sites, plans to use the funding as part of its ?Responsible Adventure? growth project during the next two years.


Offline SteveH

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1103 on: August 01, 2023, 10:04:57 am »
More action, less talking, this is a scary situation for everyone..............

POLITICIANS in North Wales have called for urgent action after inquests into the deaths of numerous residents found issues with ambulance and hospital waiting times.

In the last two weeks, inquests have been concluded regarding the deaths of Robert Dewhurst (Deganwy), Philip Hawkins (Rhyl), George Howell (Rhyl) and David Roberts (Llangollen), all of whom endured extensive waits either for or in an ambulance.

The inquest into the death of Philip Hawkins, who waited in an ambulance for 10 hours after it had arrived at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, ultimately led coroner David Pojur to file a Prevention of Future Deaths report.


Offline Hugo

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1104 on: August 07, 2023, 03:19:54 pm »
Bibby Stockholm: First asylum seekers to board barge
 I heard  on the BBC news today that 20 or more "asylum seekers"  have refused to go on the barge and their highly paid lawyers are claiming that they are too traumatised to go on the barge because of their ordeal when they entered the UK illegally in their small boats.
I suppose that this saying of being too traumatised to go on the barges will be the norm from now on
I wonder what the UK citizens who live in damp mouldy  and unhealthy conditions think of these migrants?    Perhaps they would like to swap places with these migrants

Offline Hugo

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1105 on: August 08, 2023, 09:40:49 am »
Only 15 asylum seekers went on board the barge yesterday while another 20 refused to go on board for various reasons such as being traumatised by the Channel crossing.
The BBC this morning announced that the Government are now looking into the case of the lawyers who have been making false claims on behalf of the asylum seekers
You couldn't make this up, a Government that can't even control it's own laws

Perhaps the simple solution would be that when a new small boat of illegal migrants lands on the beach the young men on board would be taken to the barge where they can then apply for asylum.     I'm sure that the migrants would be on their smart phones to other potential migrants in France

Offline Hugo

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1106 on: August 08, 2023, 12:00:24 pm »
Just a follow up about the lawyers acting for the asylum seekers,  I wonder who pays for the lawyers expensive fees?
Suella Braverman to target 'crooked' immigration lawyers

Offline Helig

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1107 on: August 11, 2023, 10:47:19 am »
Information in my paper this week was that there were 172,758 outstanding visa applications from asylum seekers at the end of March 2023. These were awaiting an initial decision on the asylum application.

They publish details of arrivals for "irregular migrants crossing the channel in small boats" on a government web site:

According to the television news last Wednesday, about 600 arrived on small boats last Tuesday. The government site shows no one arrived that day. Are they fiddling the figures with this too?

Offline Hugo

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1108 on: August 11, 2023, 02:45:44 pm »
According to the television news last Wednesday, about 600 arrived on small boats last Tuesday. The government site shows no one arrived that day. Are they fiddling the figures with this too?

Fiddle statistics Helig?   Would they do such a thing?
Well the answer is, they would!    Now here's how they do it, the asylum seeker fails to turn up at a pre arranged meeting so the Government withdraws his application for asylum so that's one less application for asylum.
But where is the absconded former asylum seeker now?    Somewhere in the UK but nobody knows where

Offline SteveH

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Re: Points to Ponder
« Reply #1109 on: August 16, 2023, 10:15:58 am »
RECENTLY we asked people in the community how they felt about businesses that only accept cashless payments.

The responses from readers were varied, with some expressing strong opposition and others showing support for the shift towards digital transactions.

One individual, Andy Middleton, voiced concerns about the potential control and submission to the state that may come with a cashless society.

He said: "No, we need both, it's the start of control and submission to the state."

Similarly, Diana Clements-Daly said: "Avoid them, if they don't want our money, they don't want our custom."

Several people expressed their preference for cash payments.

Andrea Jones declared: "Cash is king, I wish more people would realize."
