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Offline SteveH

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Re: Health...........The biggest winter health worries
« Reply #180 on: October 27, 2023, 10:18:45 am »
A bit of an update on the previous post...........The daylight lamp mentioned above is working, switched on as soon as it starts getting dark, it is just a cheap LED table lamp pointed into the corner of the room, works well, for me.

The biggest winter worries for Brits include the flu - and eating unhealthily
The top 20 winter worries for Brits have been revealed - including catching Covid, and having no motivation during the shorter days

Brits' biggest winter worries include catching Covid, a lack of vitamin D ? and eating unhealthy food, research has found. A poll of 2,000 adults found 39 per cent have concerns when it comes to their health or wellbeing during the colder months.

Developing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a worry for 17 per cent, while three in ten fret about their lack of motivation from the shorter days.

And a third (32 per cent) are already getting chills at the thought of adopting a ?winter diet?, and eating types of foods that aren?t nutritionally beneficial.

Other winter dreads include getting dry skin and lips, having to get out of the shower, and waking up and coming home in the dark.


Offline SteveH

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Re: Health
« Reply #181 on: October 30, 2023, 09:29:34 am »
Scientists discover exactly how many minutes of exercise you need a day to live longer
A 'magic number' has been found which offsets the negative effects of sitting down too long, writes Elaine Blackburne

Published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the study backs up the UK chief medical officers' recommendation to try and get 150 minutes of MVPA per week, which roughly works out at 21 minutes per day. Researchers looked at data for 11,989 people aged over 50 from Norway, Sweden and the US who had worn activity trackers measuring their MPVA.

full article

Offline SteveH

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Re: Health...............Products damaging public health in Wales
« Reply #182 on: November 02, 2023, 10:25:42 am »
Too many firms 'deceiving customers', greenwashing products and damaging public health in Wales
The country's chief medical officer wants big business to start acting more responsibly

Wales? chief medical officer has urged large companies to take greater corporate social responsibility on issues such as vaping, gambling, and ultra-processed foods. In his 2023 annual report, Sir Frank Atherton also slammed companies guilty of ?deceiving consumers? by claiming to be more environmentally friendly than they actually are.

This year?s report, called ?Shaping our Health?, focuses on the strategies used by businesses to promote products and behaviours that are detrimental to public health. Urging greater leadership from industry, the report said multi-nationals can significantly influence buying choices, and hence the environment, through their sourcing and manufacturing and marketing policies.


Offline SteveH

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Re: Health
« Reply #183 on: November 04, 2023, 10:03:05 am »
For those who do not know, I started taking Vit. D at the start of Covid for strengthening my immune system, and I use 2000 IU.s per day
winter and summer, which is more than recommended below, but research says up to 4000 IU.s  per day is OK, here is one link to check out, but do look at others please..........

Experts share seven signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency you should look out for
A third of people in the UK have low vitamin D levels

Wellness experts are urging people to be aware of the signs of vitamin D deficiency as a third of us in the UK have low levels. The team at Simply Supplements has shared the seven most prevalent symptoms of vitamin D deficiency to keep an eye open for.

When the days grow shorter and temperatures fall, it's difficult to get enough vitamin D from natural sun exposure. Vitamin D deficiency is more common than we may realise after a recent study found as many as one in three people in the UK are affected, MyLondon reports.

While foods such as red meat, oily fish and egg yolks contain vitamin D, it can be challenging to get enough from diet alone. People will low levels should consider supplements as the vitamin is essential for absorbing calcium and it contributes to the healthy function of bones, muscles, teeth and the immune system.

Health officials recommend taking a 10-microgram dose of vitamin D every day. Low levels can contribute to a range of health issues so it's important to be aware of the symptoms associated with deficiency.

Common signs to look out for are fatigue, muscle weakness, bone pain and frequent illnesses. Others include changes in appetite, impaired wound healing and hair loss.

A higher risk for vitamin D deficiency can come from working indoors or at night, following a vegan or vegetarian diet, having darker skin, being overweight and aging. Having a severe lack of vitamin D can lead to rickets in children and bone pain caused by osteomalacia in adults.


Offline SteveH

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Re: Health...............scarlet fever as cases double in a week in Wales
« Reply #184 on: November 07, 2023, 10:10:01 am »
The symptoms of scarlet fever as cases double in a week in Wales
Cases of scarlet fever rose dramatically last winter and it is important to be on the look out for any symptoms as we head into the winter months

Scarlet fever cases have been on a steady rise since the beginning of September, before the double in the number of cases last week, according to statistics from the UK Health Security Agency.

According to the NHS, the first signs of scarlet fever can be flu-like symptoms, including a high temperature, a sore throat and swollen neck glands (a large lump on the side of your neck). A rash appears 12 to 48 hours later.


Offline SteveH

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Re: Health...........Poor home care
« Reply #185 on: November 16, 2023, 10:52:49 am »
Thousands at risk of poor home care because of low fees

Thousands of people who need support at home face an increased risk of poor care because of low fees paid by the NHS and councils, care companies say.

Only one UK public authority in 20 pays enough to fund the minimum wage and other staff costs, research suggests.

This means some companies struggle to find enough staff to support people with complex needs, while others face going under.

Council bosses say they "can't perform miracles" on overstretched budgets.

The government says the sector is getting more than ?8bn of extra funding over two years.

Social care, which supports people with tasks such as washing, dressing and medication in their own home, is mostly provided by private or not-for-profit companies and funded by public bodies such as local authorities or NHS trusts.


Offline SteveH

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Re: Health..............High blood pressure control
« Reply #186 on: November 18, 2023, 10:10:20 am »
Twice-a-year jab could end daily pills for millions with high blood pressure
Stephen White on how a single dose of zilebesiran can control high blood pressure for up to six months

Daily pills could be a thing of the past for people with hypertension. Treatment could be swapped to a twice-yearly injection that 'switches off' high blood pressure.

With few side effects, a single dose of the drug, called zilebesiran, can control the condition for up to six months. After just one jab, most patients' blood pressure dropped.

This represented a 20 per cent or more reduction in the chances of suffering a heart attack, stroke or other cardiac event. This could result in some people quitting all blood pressure medication.

Much like diabetes drugs, medics say the injections could be self-administered. Cardiologists have welcomed the news unveiled at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in Philadelphia.

Although the study involved just a few hundred patients, the data was hailed as an important shift in the treatment of hypertension. High blood ?pressure is responsible for half of all heart attacks and strokes.


Offline SteveH

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Re: Health
« Reply #187 on: November 20, 2023, 10:50:52 am »
The winter months are here and if you?re using your heating as the temperatures turn cold outside, you might not be aware that sleeping with it on can lead to health problems.

From nasty colds to swollen feet, experts are warning homeowners to avoid sleeping with the heating on.

Bedroom experts at Winstons Beds have shared a list of eight consequences homeowners may face if they leave their heating on overnight.

Experts say you shouldn?t leave your heating on all night
Leaving the heating on while sleeping will add to the costs of your energy bills but it could also encourage the growth of mould on your walls and cause some health issues.

8 reasons why you shouldn?t leave your heating on while you sleep......

Offline SteveH

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Re: Health...........Bad cold sweeping UK which feels 'almost like flu'
« Reply #188 on: November 27, 2023, 10:09:58 am »
Mrs H. suffering exactly same condition as mentioned below, after meeting up with some friends last Tuesday............we are shielding from each other as much as possible and wearing masks, which is something I think we should all do, if you think you have cold or flu symptoms, you wear a mask if on contact with others.................... we need to learn from the past.

Bad cold sweeping UK which feels 'almost like flu'
People have reported feeling ill for days and even weeks

A nasty cold is sweeping the UK that leaves people feeling ill for days or even weeks. People are reporting feeling 'bloody awful', with symptoms of fever, headaches, blocked noses, coughs, and fatigue.

Some have also reported testing negative for Covid, while others have said it is almost like flu, but not flu, reports WalesOnline. One person took to Reddit to say: "Just coming off the back end of a brutal cold that's lasted about three weeks, during which my sinuses have been almost completely closed, relaxing only for brief periods while also producing mucus at an alarming rate."

Another user agreed, saying: "I'm just emerging from it now. Bloody awful, almost like flu." And one more said: "I caught it in October, I was bedridden for days and then spent another week housebound, constantly looking at my phone to see if it had been 4 hours since my last dose of paracetamol. I'm assuming it's a Covid variant that isn't picked up by the tests, it was worse than any winter bug I'd had before 2020."


Offline SteveH

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Re: Health.......How to treat and stop the spread of norovirus
« Reply #189 on: December 04, 2023, 09:49:11 am »
An interesting and informative article and worth reading to the end..............

How to treat and stop the spread of norovirus as hospital admissions soar
Elaine Blackburne takes a look at the symptoms of the winter vomiting bug

How do you treat norovirus at home?..........

How is norovirus spread?..............

Norovirus on

full article

Offline SteveH

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Re: Health............Outbreak of Whooping Cough
« Reply #190 on: December 06, 2023, 09:54:31 am »
A highly-infectious disease is sweeping through the UK, health experts have warned, after a 250% increase in cases. The bacterial infection starts with symptoms similar to a cold, but can leave coughing fits lasting for two or three months.

The outbreak of Whooping Cough, also known as pertussis and 100-day cough because of how long the symptoms last, has seen a big increase in cases this year, compared to last year.

In the last five months there have been 716 cases reported to health authorities. Dr Gayatri Amirthalingam from the UK Health Security Agency told The Sun that this rise was "expected". Dr Amirthalingam said social distancing and lockdown measures during the Covid-19 pandemic had significantly impacted the spread of infections, including whooping cough.

Prof Helen Bedford, an expert in child public health at University College London, said: "As expected, we are now seeing cases of whooping cough increase again, so it's vital pregnant women ensure they get vaccinated to protect their baby. Whooping cough in young babies can be very serious and vaccinating their mothers in pregnancy is the only way of ensuring they are protected in the first few months."


Offline SteveH

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Re: Health
« Reply #191 on: December 08, 2023, 10:08:17 am »
update on above

A vomiting bug outbreak has seen wards at a North Wales hospital closed to new admissions. Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board chiefs said there had been a rise in cases of norovirus.

They had seen increased cases at the health board, particularly at Wrexham Maelor Hospital. Health chiefs said a small number of wards have been closed to admissions, with restricted visiting in place.


Offline SteveH

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Re: Health........Why do people always wait until January to get fit?
« Reply #192 on: December 10, 2023, 10:53:22 am »
The start of January has become synonymous with lifestyle changes - many new-year's resolutions involve getting fit, losing weight and changing eating habits.

It is all down to the fresh-start effect - most people believe choosing a set point, such as a new year, will help motivate them to reach a particular goal.

But research suggests this does not always work, particularly for fitness.

And there are a few reasons why those thinking about getting into exercise should bring their 2024 resolutions forward a few weeks.

Why do people wait until January?
The first month of a new year is seen as a transition point and has been adopted as a time that marks a new beginning.


Offline SteveH

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Re: Health
« Reply #193 on: December 13, 2023, 10:07:13 am »
Mrs H was in a chemists last night waiting for her prescription, the woman beside her was coughing, sneezing and spluttering, but during a break, asked my wife, why was she wearing a face MASK............ :o

Sickness bug which shut hospital wards is also affecting schools and care homes
Public Health Wales said sewage tests had shown a rise in norovirus across the population

A spokesman said: "Public Health Wales has seen an increase in incidents of norovirus in schools and care homes in recent weeks. Wastewater monitoring has also picked up a signal upswing indicating an increased presence of norovirus at population level.

Norovirus is a common stomach bug causing vomiting and diarrhoea, but symptoms may also include mild fever, headaches, stomach cramps and aching limbs. The illness usually resolves itself after a couple of days.?

He added: ?Anyone with diarrhoea and/or vomiting is advised to stay away from work, school, or nursery while they are symptomatic, and for 48 hours after their symptoms stop. Stay hydrated, and advice should be sought from a GP or NHS Direct Wales if someone is concerned about their symptoms.?


Offline BrianP

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Re: Health
« Reply #194 on: December 13, 2023, 09:18:29 pm »
You cannot tell these people, they have NO regard for others, least of all for the vulnerable..  While shopping in a supermarket last week, a man kept coughing open mouthed, with no face covering or hangerchief.