HUGE PLANS could see the construction of a four-storey retirement living complex in Llandudno.
McCarthy & Stone Retirement Lifestyle Ltd has applied to Conwy Council’s planning department seeking permission to build a four-storey, 57-apartment complex.
The development would be complete with communal facilities (including green spaces), landscaping and car parking, as well as a residents’ lounge and lower ground floor.
It would be built on the site of Maelgwyn Road Car Park.
However, the plans have been heavily criticised by Llandudno Town Council, which “strongly opposes” the proposal following a consultation.
It also gave the following reasons for its objection to the plans:
Concerns about the affordability of the proposed apartments
Increased pressure on already overstretched health care and social care services as a result of the development
Public require parking close to where they are staying. The car park is close to guest houses/hotels and the Holiday
Accommodation Zone and its loss will impact heavily on visitors
The car park is one of the few areas where camper vans park
Data provided by Conwy CBC on car park usage clearly shows that site is very well used and much needed as a car park
The proposed development is overbearing and would have a detrimental impact on the adjacent Conservation Area
Insufficient parking provided on site, which will cause residents/visitors to park on nearby roads increasing parking problems in the area